Meati: How It’s Going

Where We Started

Meati started over 5 years ago by venturing into a space that meat-replacement had never ventured into before—steak. Since we first started working with them 3 years ago, they have evolved their product line to include chicken cutlets and crispy chicken cutlets. This innovative product is made from a fungi called Mycelium. Originally working with steak, it was important that the visuals were rugged and masculine while still showcasing the product to a broad audience. But with the evolution of the product line, so came the evolution of their look. (See more of our previous work at the bottom of this page)

Where We Are Now

They approached us with some sample work that they had tested and asked if we could continue to evolve the look. We were also tasked with using the recipes and assets to educate consumers who may be unsure of how to prepare and eat this revolutionary product. We did this through the use of stop motion and recipe videos. We needed to ensure a clear message while keeping in mind that the brand feel is fun, funky and approachable.

Why We Love Meati

Their mission is to "work closely with our greatest caretaker, Mother Nature, to cultivate the complete protein she intended — one that’s been the root of our living world for millennia." They're connecting and empowering eaters everywhere to evolve energetically.

Meati is made from a mushroom root, which turns out to be a superfood. It's grown in stainless steel tanks, similar to those that brew your favorite beer. Then fed only water, sugar, and nutrients. Once it's fully grown, they harvest it and craft it into what you know as Meati. Growing mycelium is sustainable and the end product is a delicious, whole-food protein. What's not to love?

Meati: Where We Started

Creative Direction

Meati fits into a space that meat-replacement has never ventured into before- steak. This innovative product is made from a fungi called Mycelium. Since we were working with steak, it was important that the visuals were rugged and masculine while still showcasing the product to a broad audience.

Lighting Specifications

In order to help create a masculine look and feel, we chose to keep lighting dim and slightly moody. We achieved this through the use of bouncing light off of v-flats and using diffusers to soften to the light. We added flags to create spaces of darkness and to help direct the light. 

Recipe Guidelines

One of the main goals behind Meati is to create a sustainable protein. The founders understand the importance of things like regenerative farming and sustainability so all recipes are centered around a plant-based diet with locally sourced ingredients and seasonal foods.


Zeal Creamery


MIL Kimchi