Creative Direction
Ripple Foods are a line of dairy-free products centered around Ripple Milk; a pea protein milk replacement. Creating a better world is the main focus of this brand, but they refuse to take themselves too seriously. This gave us a lot of room to have fun with the brand and create bright, airy and approachable imagery that appeals to a mostly female demographic.
Lighting Specifications
A bright and airy environment has been the focus of this brand for quite awhile so when we partnered with them, we were happy to continue creating images that match their aesthetic. This look is typically created with a keylight strategically placed in a location that highlights the product or food in focus. The remainder of the set is brightened with a secondary light placed in a location that amplifies the airiness of the scene.
Recipe Guidelines
Since Ripple is a dairy-free beverage with its sight set on making a positive impact on the environment, our team focuses on creating approachable recipes for predominantly Vegan diets. Every recipe is custom and unique to each Ripple product, reflecting the versatility of the brand.